The aim of Royal Blue Public School in to provide an academic curriculum and intellectual environment suitable for young people preparing for advanced education in the arts and sciences. At R.B.P.S. ,we are committed to provide a dynamic and comprehensive education for our students. Two conditions are necessary for the success of this aim. First, a well-trained and humanistically-oriented faculty and second,an atmosphere that encourages intellectual and artistic interest and initiative. these conditions go hand in hand. They are never to be taken for granted, and they must be continuously reinforced dy cooperative discussion among faculty. students, administration and parents.
We pride ourselves on building genuine self-esteem through academic challenge,and providing a safe and nurturing environment for all students of our school A good curriculum does not in itself make a good school. The faculty must embody, in its mastery of materials, its methods of teaching,and its relationship with students, a dependable,encouraging, and concerned view of life. We produce confident, well-groomed students with a diverse and rich knowledge base. Students complenting ourprogram have a love of learning, and often demonstrate the ability to work successfully above grade-level in a number of subjects. Their success foresters genuine self-esteem and happiness.You have made the right choice in considering R.B.P.S. for your son or daughter. I look forward to meeting you personally to discuss the beeifits of joining the ROYAL BLUE PUBLIC SCHOOL.